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Where is the key to happiness in your life?

By Unknown → Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Some people spend their lives searching for the key to happiness. They spend a lot of time and energy looking for something they may not have correctly identified. Sparingly often, they make things more complicated and pass completions next to the point.

The key to happiness is not in what we have nor the paths we take, it is among the people around us and at the heart of the simple joys that life offers. If you fight with the impression that nothing can make you happy, you should review your thinking. Once you have done this, you will find happiness which has escaped you so far.
For some, the key to happiness lies in money. But there is a saying that "money does not buy happiness." Nothing is truer than that, although it may happen that a person who has always struggled to make money contradicts this saying. Money is very powerful, but it is not a source of happiness. However, you can experience the satisfaction not to miss anything. Maybe what you do with your money, more than the money itself, allows you to find the key to happiness. For example, if you have a lot more money than necessary and that you use one party to improve the lives of others, then perhaps you remove a few crumbs of happiness.

Some believe that happiness can be bought. These are the people that we meet, which spend large sums of money to travel or expensive collections before realizing they feel, despite everything, still empty. Purchases, expenses can make a person happy temporarily, but they are certainly not the key to lasting happiness. If you realize that these are things you want to do, just keep in mind that you cannot count on them to give meaning to your life. Enjoy a trip, a work of art when you can, but do not count on it to fill your life. Consider them like drops of happiness, but not like the material that will fill your life.
Other people think that the key to happiness lies in part in the meeting soul-mate. In fact, if you feel lonely and unhappy, it is easy to believe that to love someone and be loved in return makes the most beautiful things. In some ways this is true, a person who loves you can embellish your life, but in no case shall such person be your only source of happiness .You need to know happiness for yourself and for yourself before to meet your soul mate, because nobody in the world can make another person "whole", "complete", although some films claim otherwise. Of course, you can experience a lot of happiness in your relationship with your loved one, but that happiness must come part of you, of your own life experience. Indeed, the sense of emotional void that you cannot live simply be filled by a relationship.

So where the key to happiness is? Well, it is different for everyone. However, you are free to put the pieces of your life and find what enriches you and flourishes in life. These feelings often emerge satisfying relationships with family, with spouse, friends and children. Appreciate the simple things and the small beauties that mark everyday life also helps a lot to feel fulfilled and happy. Even the darkest days of booking their happiness and satisfaction crumbs. It is true that you cannot always be happy, but learn to appreciate each day for what it offers you can beautify and fill your life.

How to manage your negative emotions before they invade you?

By Unknown → Monday, December 15, 2014
Stress, anxiety and fear are emotions which are part of life. It is important to learn to control these emotions before they control you. This article proposes to control these unpleasant emotions at the exact moment they occur and how to control them effectively.

Stress, anxiety, fear are emotions that are part of your life every day. Problems at work, problems in your business, or the various conflicts between friends and family members are usually the main causes of negative thoughts and emotions.

These events can first create a slight discomfort that can quickly turn into stress, in anxiety, angry and sometimes even more serious disorders neurosis or depression, if you let these negative emotions overwhelm you. They can take such an important part in your life that can quickly become unmanageable.

Also, if they are not treated immediately these emotions may prevent you from thinking clearly, and then cause you to make bad decisions. Decisions, which ultimately will bring you more discomfort, more stress, more anxiety, etc.

To avoid stress and negative feelings are becoming an increasingly intrusive in your life, it is important to use strategies that can help you manage the emotions that are associated with events that you appear rude.

You need to learn the right strategies and the right methods to manage your emotions before the negative events have taken their hold on you. There are many ways to manage your emotions. Many of them are very effective. Against by, the longer you wait to use them, the more it will ask you before significant efforts to get rid of your negative emotions.

Moreover, as every person is different, a method may be more efficient for one person while another will work much better for such other person. That's why it's really important to use your own strategies.
However, the best key to good management of emotions is relaxation. There are numerous relaxation technique on the Internet or in books that will allow you to have more control over your emotional state.

Once you feel the stress overcome you, it is sparingly important that you learn to relax immediately.

For example, meditation is an excellent way to help you focus on one thought at a time. This can help you firstly to separate your different problems in different compartments in your head, rather than let them all over you in a single block. Moreover, it can bring you to focus on the solution of the problem ongoing, rather than the problem itself.

If problems create stress, stress may amplify the problems. Meditation allows you to take a back face your problems and make you become aware that they are generally less severe than they appear.
Breathing exercises are also recommended if you want to feel calm and in control. Good oxygenation of the body, helps you keep your mind clear and focused on one subject at a time.

Breathe deeply. From the stomach, rather than the lungs. And if you do this exercise correctly, you will feel a sense of well-being over you. Then remember that feeling, because this is when you feel calm and relaxed only, that you can take control over all of your emotions.

Importance of physical appearance for the self-confidence and self-esteem

By Unknown → Wednesday, December 10, 2014
The physical appearance is known to be the state that allows others to see us, to appreciate our value and acknowledge our presence. It was long debated the lack of self-confidence and listed it is various consequences for people in need, but little has been mentioned about the causes.

So what, then, that some people have no self-confidence, is it a matter of physical appearance and how to be confident like the others?
It is the circumstances of our childhood, affection status from others, relationships with others that contribute to building self-esteem.

Lack of self-esteem is essentially because of the degree of devaluation nature of the person we are either for ourselves or because of the opinions of others. Sometimes physical appearance may even be the cause of your inferiority complex.

The nature of the criticisms that can address a person from childhood to a certain stage, whether positive or negative will always impact on the social behavior of this person.

However, this is not a reason to see the one hand, the other executioners, those who pass your comments about that are not quite appropriate and consider those who sing your praises like your real friends. It is to be sparingly careful, because sometimes the critics are as good as compliments as long as they are well founded.

So maybe the jackpot with this problem of self-esteem, it is you!
Instead of blaming others wrong, you can be the cause of your own lack of self-esteem. Have you ever tried to get you involved, should be a once in passing?

Have self-esteem, it is a bit of everything. This is also the result of your self-assessment. It begins with the love of his person, that person can appreciate that you are at fair value.

It's also about feeling good about yourself. If you are not proud of your own physical appearance, do not expect others to spend encouraging comments to you. Make changes, innovate, and work on your physical as it is to you to have confidence in yourself if you want to inspire esteem from others.